Becoming a Fresno County Resource Family
Resource Family Approval (RFA) is a new family friendly and child-centered caregiver approval process that combines elements of the current foster parent licensing, relative approval and approvals for adoption and guardianship and replaces those processes.
Is streamlined: It eliminates the duplication of existing processes
Unifies approval standards for all caregivers regardless of the child's case plan
Includes a comprehensive psychosocial assessment, home environment check and training for all families, including relatives
Prepares families to better meet the needs of vulnerable children in the foster care system
Allows seamless transition to permanency
Step 1: Attend an Orientation
Step 2: Submit an Application and be fingerprinted
Step 3: Attend Pre Service Training
Upon the successful completion of all of the approval requirements, home inspection, and training, you will become a resource parent. This means you can now care for dependent children in your home. Please keep in mind that a child's placement in a home is determined by his/her needs; therefore, you may not be immediately contacted for placement upon approval.
For additional information on becoming a resource family, give us a call at 1-877-533-KIDS (5437) or click the "Become a Resource Family" button above.