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Becoming a Fresno County Resource Family

Resource Family Approval (RFA) is a new family friendly and child-centered caregiver approval process that combines elements of the current foster parent licensing, relative approval and approvals for adoption and guardianship and replaces those processes.


  • Is streamlined: It eliminates the duplication of existing processes

  • Unifies approval standards for all caregivers regardless of the child's case plan

  • Includes a comprehensive psychosocial assessment, home environment check and training for all families, including relatives

  • Prepares families to better meet the needs of vulnerable children in the foster care system

  • Allows seamless transition to permanency


Step 1:  Attend an Orientation

Step 2:  Submit an Application and be fingerprinted

Step 3:  Attend Pre Service Training


Upon the successful completion of all of the approval requirements, home inspection, and training, you will become a resource parent.  This means you can now care for dependent children in your home.  Please keep in mind that a child's placement in a home is determined by his/her needs; therefore, you may not be immediately contacted for placement upon approval.



For additional information on becoming a resource family, give us a call at 1-877-533-KIDS (5437) or click the "Become a Resource Family" button above.

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